Dance season is officially underway! We know that dance teachers and studio owners have a lot on their plate and wear a lot of different hats. The struggle is real. Burnout is something we all experience and struggle with
at some point. Here are some of my tips for battling burnout:
Dance! Sometimes I get so busy with everything I forget to dance for me. Take class, dance with your students, improv, dance for your soul.
Yoga and meditation. I love me some yoga. It keeps me present and maintains flexibility.
5 minute breaks. Do something for you for at least 5 minutes a day. Walk, read, sit, or whatever will fill your bucket.
Set up no contact time. Strict office hours are essential. This job will follow you home and into your dreams. Make sure your staff and families know when you will not answer work communication.
Delegate. You can't do everything. Well you probably could but you don't need to. Get a staff you trust and delegate.
Gratitude. Remembering why I love this job keeps me going.
Get inspired. Your creative bucket needs to be filled. Go to an art show, visit a National Park, and get inspired.
Practice self love and compassion. We all need a little more love and compassion in our lives.
Do something new your classes. Mix it up!
What do you do to fight burnout and stay motivated and creative?