It's Spring! In the dance studio world, that means you are in the thick of it. April and May are the busiest months as you finalize your recital plans, distribute costumes, organize picture day, attend competitions and conventions, and so much more. Did I mention you should already be planning and advertising your summer and next season? Oh and if you have a family or life outside of the studio, end of school year activities can pack your calendar. So how do you stay sane and keep it together?
Here at Prosody you know I am going to say plan ahead and stay organized. That is what we do here. It is so true! Planning ahead and keeping everything organized is essential to keeping your stress levels down and enjoying the fun. It is also important to have a great team with you. Delegate. You can't do it all and you can't do it alone. Teamwork makes the Dream work! Communication is also key to keeping everything running smoothly. Having a smooth communication system keeps everyone on the same page and working towards the same goals. Don't forgot your goals and mission! My guess is you opened a dance studio because you love dance. Keeping that love alive and at the forefront is vital especially when things get busy.
This week I challenge you to take a break and do something fun with your students. Take some me time with a pedicure, nap, a walk, or whatever you need to recharge. Do something different at your studio. Have a crazy bun day! Change up your older classes and do a self choreography class or maybe yoga and meditation hour. Try some improve. Introduce a new game or song for your younger classes. Something new can give a chance for everyone to catch their breath and get ready for the months ahead. Live. Love. Dance.
Breath! You got this!
And if you don't Prosody is here to help. We got you.
How do you survive the end of the dance season? Leave your ideas and tips in the comments!