As summer winds down, so does another season of dance teacher conferences here at Prosody. Each year, these gatherings reignite my passion and deepen my appreciation for the art of dance. This year, both the Rhee Gold Dance Life Conference and the Dance Teacher Web Conference have reaffirmed just how extraordinary our dance community truly is.
One of the greatest joys of attending these events is connecting with studio owners and dance educators from across the country and around the globe. There's a profound sense of unity in our shared love for dance—and equally, in the challenges we face together. When I first envisioned Prosody, it was driven by a personal need to simplify and enhance my busy life. What I never anticipated was that this initially self-serving idea would evolve into something so much greater.
Prosody has transformed into a platform that fosters connection and camaraderie among dancers, teachers, and studio owners. Through countless conversations, I've discovered that despite our diverse backgrounds, we are more alike than we are different. We all grapple with similar struggles, share common stresses, and face challenges head-on because of our unwavering love for dance and our dedication to our students.
I am incredibly grateful for the way Prosody Backstage has brought this sense of unity and love into my life. This summer’s conversations and shared experiences with fellow studio owners have been truly enriching. If we had the chance to connect at any of the conferences, thank you for your time and insights. And if we haven’t yet met, I look forward to our conversation soon.
Until then, keep dancing and keep inspiring!
Warmest regards,
Miss Kali