We talk a lot about what to do, but sometimes we need to discuss what not to do. Here are five common backstage recital mistakes.
Too many volunteers. You can have too many cooks in the kitchen! A few excellent volunteers is all you need. One head volunteer is great too so everyone knows who to go to for questions.
Not limiting the types of snacks and drinks. Kids spill stuff. Make sure the only snacks allowed backstage will not ruin costumes or destroy the backstage area. And water. No one needs juice or anything besides water.
Not assigning specific roles. You have team for a reason. Delegate and give each team member specific roles and responsibilites. This way, everyone knows their job and nothing will be forgotten.
Not having a smooth check in and check out system. Nothing can ruin a great recital like a terrible pick up process. You want parents to keep that happy, positive atmosphere when they leave. Make sure you have thought through your pick up process. Prosody Backstage has a great check in/check out tool!
Making exceptions. You have rules and expectations for a reason. Do not be tempted to make exceptions. It just snowballs.
Do you have any other DO NOT tips? Let us know!