Happy Anniversary Prosody!
In March of 2021 I was on the phone with Abby walking around my backyard. My kids had finally gone back to school since the Covid shut down of 2020. Like most people, 2020 was rough for me. I had three kids in elementary school, with three different online school schedules, a one year old, and a newborn. My husband is a doctor and at the time was a radiology resident at the hospital. So yes, it was a rough year. But here is the thing... I survived.
One great thing that Covid gave me was perspective. I had the idea for Prosody for years. I knew I had a great idea, but the thought of starting a company was terrifying. I knew nothing about starting a company or coding, or anything about the tech and entrepreneur community. As a perfectionist, failing was scary. However, with my new perspective those things didn't seem so bad anymore. I started to think, "Maybe I can do this thing." That March day, I started talking to Abby about the beginnings of Prosody. I usually run all my crazy dance ideas through her. After a few minutes into our conversation Abby said, " Kali I am in. Let's do this! " Prosody was born.
It has been a crazy ride since that day. I have learned so much. I can write a business plan. I know what a P & L is. I can file business taxes. I know how to get a patent. Ask me about the current App Market bills in Congress. Yep, I can tell you way more than you would want to know. Abby straight up learned how to code. I am so thankful to have Abby as a partner. We are a great team. Happy Anniversary to us! It has been an amazing two years. We have accomplished so much. I am so proud of what we have done and the challenges we have overcome. I am excited to see what is in store for Prosody in the years to come. Watch out! Prosody is going to do some pretty awesome things. Thank you for being a part of the Prosody Community and joining us on this ride! Happy Anniversary Prosody!