You just started your season and classes are under way . It is time to start planning your recital! Here is my initial recital planning outline to help you get started.
Step one, contact your theater and confirm your date and time for your event and rehearsals.
Select your theme.
Decide the classes that will be performing in the show(s).
Select music for each class.
Create the show order.
Write the script in needed.
Order costumes.
Buy, create, etc. all needed props/backdrops etc.
Complete tech forms for each dance.
Identify quick changes.
Indentify lighting, music, prop, etc. ques.
Go through the whole show identifying all needs.
Assign backstage assignments.
Identify volunteers and backstage staff.
Give assignments and responsibilites to volunteers and staff.
Go through whole show with staff walking through all responsibilites.
And that's just to get started! Planning and managing your recitals and shows is a huge job. I really get it. Prosody Backstage makes all of it so much easier! Questions on how Prosody Backstage can help you with your recital planning? Let me know! My job is to make your job easier.